Odisha LAccMI Scheme Renamed as Mukhyamantri Bus Seva Scheme: Check Details

Odisha government has decided to rename LAccMI Scheme to Mukhyamantri Bus Seva Scheme on 29 June 2024. The LAccMI bus service scheme was an initiative of previous BJD government to transform rural connectivity in the state. Now with the election of BJP led new govt. in Odisha, government has renamed this scheme. Read this article till the end to know operational guidelines of LAccMI scheme, what are its objectives, list of buses which got permit and other aspects of this initiative.    

Renaming of Odisha LAccMI Scheme to Mukhyamantri Bus Seva Scheme

Transport, Mines and Steel Minister Bibhuti Bhusan Jena informed on Saturday that the Location Accessible Multi-modal Initiative (LAccMI scheme) will be renamed as "Mukhyamantri Bus Seva" soon. The Minister said that discussion in this regard has already been made and the service will be implemented in the State soon. He further said that no party symbol would be used in the service.

"You will not find any party symbols in all our schemes. All the schemes will be meant for the welfare of people. We give strong assurance to the people to provide bus service. After analysing the LAccMI scheme, we have decided not to use any party symbol and rename it as 'Mukhyamantri Bus Seva'. Discussion in this regard has already been made and the scheme will be implemented soon," said Jena.

"Most importantly, buses will run from every block of the State on the occasion of Lord Jagannath’s Rath Yatra," he added. The colour of buses under Laccmi scheme was green but in the newer version i.e under Mukhyamantri Bus Seva scheme, the color of buses has been changed to orange.

About Odisha LAccMI Scheme

The Government of Odisha has launched Location Accessible Multi-modal Initiative (LAccMI) Scheme with an aim to connect all Gram Panchayats (GPs) with an integrated public transport system. It would increase the Service Level Benchmark of the Bus transport system in the state. With a budget of ₹3,178 Cr. for three (03) years i.e., from FY 2023-24 to FY 2025-26, the scheme aims to augment the public transport scenario across all 30 districts. 

Objectives of Odisha LAccMI Scheme

The objective of the scheme is to provide multimodal public transport connectivity for the GPs, Block HQ, District HQ along with the connectivity to major economic hubs, educational & medical hubs, and transport nodes across the state. The development of a robust and reliable public transport system across the entire State will undoubtedly result in an enhancement of the socio-economic well-being of the population. Considering the good road network, focus would be naturally on surface transportation. Other modes of transportation would be utilised as per the need. 

LAccMI is more than a transport scheme; it's an economic catalyst. By bolstering assured connectivity, it amplifies the prospects for small traders and farmers, facilitating swifter transportation of goods to markets. Additionally, it ensures that essential services, be it hospitals, schools, colleges, or government offices and work places, are more accessible to everyone. LAccMI aims to make travel affordable and accessible for rural communities, helping them reach nearby towns and cities for essential services and opportunities.

Need for Odisha LAccMI Bus Service Scheme

As the Odisha state govt. is working efficiently towards attaining various Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) relating to public transport and economic growth. Odisha, having 5th largest share of road connectivity in India, only 72% of the GPs are connected by means of public transport. 

The connection of urban and rural areas through reliable and affordable public transport has been identified as a highly promising opportunity. This initiative has the potential to bridge the transportation gap between these regions, ensuring reliable mobility for residents from both urban and rural communities. Efficient public transport connectivity is expected to reduce the division between Urban and Rural communities. To attain this potential, the State Government has envisaged the scheme known as “Location Accessible Multimodal Initiative (LAccMI) to develop a robust public transport system in the state of Odisha. 

Benefits of Odisha LAccMI Scheme

  • Provide transportation facilities to passengers alongside goods to aid in the livelihood and empower communities. 
  • Strengthen the passenger facilitation infrastructure by developing model Block-level Bus Stands namely, Ama Bus Stands (ABS) and Bus Queue Shelters (BQS) for road transport sector and converge with the complementary programs of the State Government for meaningful outcomes. 
  • Involve and make Women Self Help Groups (WSHG) grow in public transport services as Partners.
  • Integrate different modes of transportation i.e., surface, water, and air to provide first and last mile connectivity as per the need.

Laxmi Bus Yojana Odisha List PDF Download

One can check Laxmi Bus Yojana Odisha List through the link mentioned here - https://odishatransport.gov.in/Application/uploadDocuments/Notification/Rules_1678433498.pdf

The opened list has registration number of buses, service type, name as well as route description.

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