Business Blasters Scheme 2024 Announcement in Delhi Budget 2024-25

Business Blasters Scheme 2024 is a practical component of Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum (EMC) for classes 11th and 12th. Delhi Business Blasters programme has been designed to provide students an experience to work in teams, brainstorm and identify social challenges or business opportunities. It enables them to prepare business plans and implement their ideas in their neighbourhoods. 
All participating students of Business Blasters can receive seed money of Rs. 2000 per student. The teams will use this seed money with a clear objective to either earn profit or create social impact. Now the state govt. will also start Business Blasters Senior Scheme. 

Read this article till the end to know how to make registration for Business Blasters Scheme. Also know the important aspects of newly proposed Business Blasters senior program.

Business Blasters Scheme in Delhi Budget 2024-25

Finance Minister presented Delhi Budget 2024-25 on 4 March 2024. While delivering the budget speech, Finance Minister said "Speaker Sir, only entrepreneurship can alleviate unemployment in our country. In this direction, in 2019, we introduced an Entrepreneurship Mindset curriculum in our schools. The goal is to make children so confident and capable that they don't seek employment after their studies but become job creators. Under the practical component of this curriculum called 'Business Blasters,' students in the 11th and 12th grades of Delhi Government schools are given seed money of Rs 2000 so that they can collaborate with their peers to create a business model that can generate profit".

Earning Money through Business Blasters Programme

The Business Blasters program has yielded fantastic results. Students of Delhi are not only earning money through their outstanding startups in fields such as logistics, online gaming portals, Bluetooth speakers, dark chocolate, nutritional supplements, beauty products, etc., but they are also providing jobs to many people even before graduating from school.

Anant Sharma, was an ordinary student at the Kejriwal Government’s IIIT Delhi. In 2019, during his graduation days, he started a startup called 'Tweek Labs' - which harnessed a new discovery in the field of sports technology. Starting small at the Innovation and Incubation Center at IIITD, his company progressed so much that Anant got a spot on the famous business reality show - Shark Tank. He presented his business pitch in front of the country's most renowned entrepreneurs and secured funding of Rs. 60 lakhs.

Anant's story proves that if a talent gets support from the Government, the youth studying in Delhi or any other college across the country can change the world with their fantastic business ideas. 

Progress of Business Blaster Scheme in Delhi

Under this Business Blasters scheme, in the academic year 2023-24, around 2,40,000 students formed 38,000 teams and worked on their business ideas! Moreover, for the upcoming year, Delhi govt. has allocated a budget of Rs. 40 crores to this scheme for student startups.

To further strengthen model of encouraging student's startups, the Kejriwal Government started Incubation Centers in its universities, where 122 students are receiving support ranging from mentorship by industry leaders to funding for their startups. This is aimed at enabling them to create companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon of the future, providing employment to lakhs of youth.

Business Blasters Senior Scheme Announced in Delhi Budget 2024-25

While delivering the Delhi budget speech 2024-25, Finance Minister said "I am delighted to announce that, drawing inspiration from the entrepreneurship revolution introduced in Delhi Government schools, from this year onwards, under the leadership of the Kejriwal Government, 'Business Blasters Senior' will be launched in all universities. Under Business Blasters Senior programme, the seed money and support will be provided to the students for their startups. The Kejriwal Government will invest Rs. 15 crores in the start-ups of our universities this year.

FM further added "Speaker Sir, I request this assembly to envision the future, thinking about Delhi's next 10 years. If even 5% of the 40,000+ business ideas generated in our schools prove to be successful, Delhi and the country will witness the rise of 2000 major companies after 10 years. These new companies will play a crucial role in eradicating unemployment and poverty from the country".

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