Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) Allocation in UP Budget 2024-25, Check Details Here

UP government is implementing Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) in the state for the welfare of women farmers. The primary objective of the MKSP is to empower women by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, as also create and sustainable livelihoods of rural women. महिला किसान सशक्तिकरण परियोजना is a sub-component of DAY-NRLM and being implemented since 2011. Read this article till the end to know complete details about MKSP scheme in Uttar Pradesh.

महिला किसान सशक्तिकरण परियोजना in UP Budget 2024-2025

Finance Minister presented UP Budget 2024-25 on 5 February 2024. FM said "महिला किसान सशक्तिकरण परियोजना के अन्तर्गत वित्तीय वर्ष 2024-2025 में 200 उत्पादक समूहों का गठन करके तकनीकी सहयोग प्रदान किया जाना लक्षित है।"

Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) Components

Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana is implemented by State Rural Livelihoods Missions. Followings are the components of the program.

MKSP for Sustainable Agriculture 

MKSP for sustainable agriculture component aims at empowering women in agriculture by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, as also create and sustain agriculture-based livelihoods of rural women. By establishing efficient local resource-based agriculture, wherein women in agriculture gain more control over the production resources and manage the support systems, the project seeks to enable them to gain better access to the inputs and services provided by the government and other agencies. The key objectives of the component are as follows:-
  • To enhance the productive participation of women in agriculture;
  • To create sustainable agricultural livelihood opportunities for women in agriculture;
  • To improve the skills and capabilities of women in agriculture to support farm and non-farm-based activities;
  • To ensure food and nutrition security at the household and the community level;
  • To enable women to have better access to inputs and services of the government and other agencies;
  • To enhance the managerial capacities of women in agriculture for better management of biodiversity;
  • To improve the capacities of women in agriculture to access the resources of other institutions and schemes within a convergence framework.


MKSP for NTFP component aims at empowering the tribal women NTFP collectors through an integrated approach of institution building around livelihoods, capacity building and livelihood interventions programmed together. The key objectives of the component are:-
  • To develop a sustainable model for livelihood promotion of NTFP collectors
  • To ensure a better control of the institutions of the NTFP collectors over the NTFP value chain
  • To promote regeneration of NTFP species to improve the bio diversity and enhanced productivity
  • To build the capacity of the community in sustainable harvesting and post harvesting techniques to increase their income
  • To promote local value addition of NTFP to ensure higher returns
  • To develop market linkages for NTFP
  • To develop a pool of community resource persons to enable the community institutions to manage their activities
  • To enable women to have better access to their entitlements and services of the government and other agencies.

MKSP - Value Chain 

MKSP Value Chain component aims at empowering women farmers and collectors through an integrated approach of developing Producers' Enterprises, building market linkage and capacity building programmed together. The key objectives of the component are:-
  • To ensure higher price realization for the agriculture, dairying and NTFP produce for the small and marginal women farmers
  • Increasing influence of women farmers on the commodity value chain
  • To ensure increased bargaining power of small and marginal producers by achieving economy of scale and therefore negotiate better prices.
  • To develop robust business models at scale for the commodities produced by small and marginal women farmers
  • To develop scalable and sustainable Producers' Enterprises to implement the value chain development interventions
  • To create opportunities for value addition of commodities
  • To take up Capacity building of the community for better post-harvest handling, knowledge of quality parameters
  • To provide the platform for producers to promote their interests and influence policies in the local and national environment that affect their business and livelihood.
  • To promote the use of ICT for accounting, inventory management, payment to producers and market information dissemination.
For more details on Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana, visit the official website

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