Krishi Bhagya Scheme Reintroduced in Karnataka Budget 2024-25

Karnataka government has launched Krishi Bhagya Scheme exclusively for the dry-land farmers who rely on the annual rainfall for their farming. Since a majority of the Karnataka's agricultural land over 70% is under rain-fed conditions, farming activities on the dry lands become challenging during erratic rainfall period. To ensure irrigation for sustainable agriculture, Krishi Bhagya Scheme has been reintroduced.This scheme incorporates effective rainwater conservation measures to improve productivity. Read this article till the end to know complete details about Krushi Bhagya Yojane.

Krishi Bhagya Scheme in Karnataka Budget 2024-25

On 16th Feb 2024, Finance Minister presented Karnataka Budget 2024-25. While delivering the budget speech, FM said "Krishi Bhagya Yojane which had become extremely popular during the earlier tenure of our Government has been reintroduced and grants of Rs. 200 crore were provided during 2023-24. This scheme will be continued during this year also".
FM added "Rs. 200 crore is provided to augment underground water level under Krishi Bhagya scheme".

About Krishi Bhagya Yojane 2024

Under the Krishi Bhagya Scheme, more emphasis is given to help farmers to take up water conservation measures such as constructing farm ponds in their agricultural land and saving every drop of rainwater for using during the dry spells to protect standing crops. The provisions availed under this Krishi Bhagya Scheme are the construction of climate-resilient technology for rain-fed agriculture like farm ponds, poly houses, polythene sheet, sprinklers/drippers, a motor pump is offered at a subsided rate which has assisted the farmers in the harvesting of the excess rainwater on a farmer's field. 

The primary purpose of the strategy is that harvested water in the farm ponds is being applied for providing life-saving protective irrigation for rain-fed crops through drip and sprinkler irrigation system, the polythene sheets are provided to prevent the percolation losses and shade nets for reducing evaporation losses of the water from the farm ponds, poly-houses for protective cultivation of an assortment of crops like vegetables, greenhouse for high-value crops, floriculture, acclimatizing fruit crop growing for the export market, encouraging multiple cropping, inter cropping systems and the motor pumps to raise the water from the conserved structures. The various components of the Krishi Bhagya Scheme play a vital role in stabilizing crop production during the dry spells.

Objectives of Krushi Bhagya Yojane

  • The government is ambitious in revolutionizing Karnataka's agricultural sector. The implementation of the scheme primarily focuses on securing the farmer‟s income by taking up on-farm rainwater conservation practices.
  • Farmers can increase their productivity using stored rainwater in farm ponds.
  • It also encourages the farmers to adopt modern technologies at a subsidized price to farmers for efficient use of water.
  • Eventually the government helps to possess good agricultural practices like Integrated farming system, mixed cropping, intercropping with short duration crops, which are provided to improve the farmers income and ensure a better standard of living.

Components of Krishi Bhagya Scheme

  • Farm Ponds
  • Diesel Pump Sets
  • Micro Irrigation 
  • Poly House

Benefits of Krishi Bhagya Yojane

  • This scheme helps in increasing farm productivity.
  • Infusion of new technology and equipment.
  • Sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Better water management and irrigation facilities.
  • This scheme also helps to grow high-value crops in the poly houses. 
  • Water harvested in the pond helps the farmers to protect the crops when there is scarcity of rains

Eligibility and selection of farmers in Krushi Bhagya Scheme

  • According to the Department of Agriculture, farmers who possess one acre land and more is applicable to avail the benefits of the scheme. 
  • Farmers who have received subsidy for pump sets and drip irrigation system during the last three years are not eligible for the fund for them now. However, can avail fund for farm ponds. 
  • Applications are issued in Raitha Samparka Kendra‟s (RSK).

Features of Krishi Bhagya Scheme

The project will be implemented so that more than 1 lakh farmers benefit every year 
  • Availability of modern equipment
  • Reasonable price
  • Under the scheme, the farmers obtain grants for constructing farm ponds (Krishi Honda) to conserve rainwater and for buying lift pumps, diesel motors to draw water 
  • Availability of timely service
  • Moreover, this program assists the farmers to earn higher income by enabling them to construct polyhouses and put up shadenets to cultivate hybrid vegetables and flower crops
  • Quality service
  • Advance booking facility
New Krishi Bhagya Scheme 2023-2024 Guidelines PDF -

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