Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojane 2024 Announced for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Sector

Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojane has been announced in Karnataka Budget 2024-25 to make agriculture sustainable and lucrative. Under this Karnataka Raitha Samriddhi Yojana, the state govt. will encourage integrated agriculture by consolidating various schemes related to agricultural sector. The new scheme will start from the current year. 
Read this article till the end to know Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojana complete details. 

Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojane 2024 for Agricultural Sector

Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojane will provide the farmers with guidance and support in respect of the following:-
  • Securing a stable income by taking up comprehensive agriculture inclusive of agriculture, animal husbandry horticulture and dairy farming;
  • Selecting crops based on the soil characteristics and market demands;
  • Providing information on soil testing and soil characteristics;
  • Supporting farmers by raising awareness about new agricultural practices and technologies;
  • Making farmers aware of opportunities related to storage and value addition.
  • Creating market linkages for farmers to get a good price for their produce.

Karnataka Raitha Samriddhi Yojana for Animal Husbandry Sector

The following programmes will be implemented under Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojana announced in this Budget; 
  • Amruta Swabhimani Kurigahi Yojana will be continued in the current year also. 10,000 beneficiaries will be provided financial assistance under this programme. 
  • Superior quality of indigenous cattle such as Amruta Mahal/Hallikar/Khilari cattle will be supplied to farmers.
  • In order to encourage dairy farming among women, a 6% interest subsidy will be provided on the condition of timely repayment of the loan availed for buying cow/buffalo.
  • Farmers interested in piggery and poultry will be supported with training and capacity building activities. This will help them in augmenting their income.

Other Initiatives for Agriculture in Karnataka Budget 2024-25

  • Krishi Bhagya Yojane which had become extremely popular during the earlier tenure of our Government has been reintroduced and grants of Rs. 200 crore were provided during 2023-24. This scheme will be continued during this year also. 
  • A new programme called Namma Millet will be started. Under this programme, processed millets and value-added millets will be made available at affordable prices. The scheme will be implemented with the support of agri-tech companies and retail chains.
  • To promote sustainable agriculture in drought-affected and rainfed areas of the State and for soil and water conservation, 5,000 water bodies will be created over a period of five years
  • Action will be taken to introduce farmers to the e-SAP software developed by University of Agriculture Sciences, Raichur to advise them on pests, diseases and nutrient management.
  • To promote the export of agricultural and horticultural produce, measures will be taken to strengthen the Karnataka State Agricultural Products Processing and Export Corporation (KAPPEC).
  • To promote processing, value addition and export of agricultural and horticultural produce, food parks will be established near Airports under Public-Private Partnership.
  • An Agri Accelerator Platform will be created to impart supplementary training and provide guidance and support to farmer produce organisations (FPO) to strengthen their capacity and improve their performance.  

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