Chief Minister’s Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme (CM MK MKS) Announced in TN Agriculture Budget 2024-25

Tamil Nadu government has announced Chief Minister's Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme 2024 for welfare of farmers. CM MK MKS recognizes the imperative to shift towards sustainable and chemical-free agricultural practices for the well-being of society. This scheme has 22 components which will be implemented with an outlay of Rs. 206 crore during the year 2024-2025. 
Read this article till the end to know CM Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme complete details.

About Chief Minister's Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme (CM MK MKS) 2024

Here we are describing all of the 22 components under Chief Minister’s Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme (CM MK MKS), read here:-
  • Striking a balance between organic carbon and essential nutrients in the soil can foster the growth of beneficial micro organisms, creating an environment, conducive to nutrient availability for the crops and resulting in significantly higher agricultural production. This scheme aims to preserve soil fertility through the promotion of Green Manure usage among farmers. In the initial phase, slated for the year 2024-2025, an allocation of Rs. 20 crore has been earmarked for the distribution of Green Manure Seeds to cover 2 lakh acres benefitting 2 lakh farmers.
  • If we don't apply manure to the soil, the crop will fail. As the livestock population is declining, vermicompost, which is obtained by composting cow dung and farm waste, is gaining importance. Vermicompost provides rich nutrients besides improving the soil's physical properties. Therefore, to produce vermicompost and to improve the soil fertility, 10,000 farmers will be provided @ two vermicompost beds per farmer for a total outlay of Rs. 6 crore. Additionally, a sum of Rs. 5 crore will be allocated for setting up of permanent vermicompost pits.
  • It is essential for every farmer to understand soil fertility and apply fertilizers judiciously. For this purpose, Tamil Mannvalam portal has been created to facilitate farmers access to crucial information and enabling them to download the Soil Health Card. This provides tailored, crop-specific fertilizer recommendations to the farmers. Comprehensive Soil Health campaigns are slated to be organized across all villages in Tamil Nadu, fostering awareness on the importance of balanced fertilizer application and Integrated Nutrient Management. In the upcoming year 2024-2025, an extensive soil testing initiative is set to be taken up in farmers’ fields in the 2,482 village panchayats selected under Kalaignarin All Village Integrated Agriculture Development Programme. As part of this initiative, 2 lakh Soil Health Cards will be distributed and farmers will be advised on ways to improve the soil health. Thus, to reduce the chemical fertilizers usage and to maintain soil fertility an allocation of Rs. 6.27 crore will be made from both State and Union Government funds.
  • The alkaline soil lacks aeration due to its compactness, while in acidic soil, the microbial activities are low resulting in reduced crop growth and yield. To address this, a sum of Rs.7.50 crore for the reclamation of 37,500 acres of alkaline soils and a sum of Rs.15 crore for the reclamation of 7,500 acres of acidic soils will be allocated. 
  • Liquid Bio-Fertilisers have the ability to make available important nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc to crops and increase the crop productivity by 10-20 per cent thereby cutting down the expenditure on chemical fertilizers. A sum of Rs.7.50 crore will be allocated for the distribution of 5 lakh litres of liquid Bio Fertilizers to cover an area of 10 lakh acres which will benefit 2 lakh farmers.
  • Field level Surveillances are being conducted daily by the Agricultural extension workers in collaboration with farmers in paddy, the major crop of Tamil Nadu and suitable pest management advisories will be provided based on the population dynamics of both beneficial and harmful insects, water management techniques, soil fertility status, crop growth stages, and local weather conditions. This will substantially reduce the reliance on plant protection chemicals and protect the soil health. 
  • Azadirachtin, an active ingredient found in neem-based products, stands out as an excellent pesticide for the effective control of pests and diseases in plants without causing harm to the environment. Neem leaves are also utilised as green leaf manure. To promote the cultivation of neem trees, during the year 2024-2025, 10 lakh neem tree saplings will be distributed to farmers at no cost for which Rs.2 crore will be earmarked under agroforestry scheme. 
  • Plant species like Adathoda and Nochi which have natural Bio-Insecticidal properties will be promoted for cultivation in fallow lands and field bunds by distributing 50 lakh saplings to farmers in all districts at an outlay of Rs.1 crore. 
  • In ancient times, our forebears thrived for extended periods by adhering to wholesome dietary practices. To promote a healthy lifestyle, the cultivation of traditional varieties with medicinal properties, such as Seevan Samba known for its diabetes-controlling attributes, will be actively promoted. In the year 2024-2025, these specific seed varieties will be distributed to farmers, to cover an area 1,000 acres. 
  • Under Nel Jayaraman Mission on Conservation of Traditional Paddy Varieties, seeds of traditional varieties like Arupadham Kuruvai, Poonkar, Thooyamalli, Seeraka Samba, Mappillai Samba, Seevan Samba, Karuppu Kavuni are being produced in State Seed Farms and distributed to farmers. During 2023-2024, 20,979 farmers benefited by cultivating traditional varieties in an area of 12,400 acres. During the financial year 2024-2025, 200 MT of traditional Paddy variety seeds will be produced in State Seed Farms for cultivation in an area of 10,000 acres during the year 2025-2026 covering farmers of all districts for which Rs.50 lakh will be allocated.
  • Traditional Millets and Pulses rich in Protein, Fibre, Calcium, Iron and Vitamins help to keep the Blood Sugar level under control, reduce weight and boost immunity. Hence, traditional millet varieties like Thalaivirichan Cholam, Vellai Cholam, Irungu Cholam and Sencholam of Salem and Karur districts, Kakka Cholam of Thoothukudi district, Vensuruttai Kezhvaragu, Karunchuruttai Kezhvaragu, Karikattai Kezhvaragu, Poovadan Kezhvaragu, Kuruvikkaran Kambu, Kattu Kambu, Thattai Varagu, Perum Samai, Sadai Samai, Sittan Samai, Karunchittan Samai, Nattu Thuvarai, Malai Thuvarai of Tirupattur, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri and Tiruvannamalai Districts, Nattu Ulundu and Kodi Ulundu of Trichy and Thanjavur districts will be identified, collected, produced in State Seed Farms and preserved. These varieties will be used in developing new varieties and improving the existing varieties. 
  • In order to promote the concept of Organic Farming among all farmers, One model Organic Farm will be created in each block of the State. The farmers will be encouraged, trained and guided on schemes available for organic farming, certification methodologies, organic input production and marketing of organic produce for which Rs.38 lakh will be allocated. 
  • In an effort to foster comprehensive organic farming practices and secure organic certification, a budget of Rs. 27 crore will be allocated which will support the second-year activities of the 725 Organic Farming Clusters established in the year 2023-2024, covering an area of 35,815 acres across 36 districts. The aim is to provide farmers with the necessary resources and knowledge for adopting organic farming techniques, from sowing to marketing and enhance their profits. 
  • To encourage farmer groups interested in production and sale of organic inputs like Panchakavya, Jeevamirtham, Vermicompost, Amirthakaraisal, Meen Amilam etc., which are necessary for organic production, 100 Organic Input Production Centres will be established at a cost of Rs. One crore. 
  • Under Sustainable Green Cover Mission, 1.96 crore tree saplings were distributed to 72,597 farmers at a cost of Rs. 24.85 crore. The agroforestry initiative on the farmer’s land is designed not only to establish a permanent green cover but also to serve as a profitable agribusiness. During the year 2024-2025, Rs. 13 crore will be allocated for the production of quality tree saplings, strengthening of nurseries and establishment of small, big and hi-tech nurseries.
  • Under Integrated Farming System, farmers are encouraged to diversify their agricultural practices by incorporating crop cultivation with complementary activities such as dairy farming, goat rearing, fruit tree cultivation, honey bee rearing, and vermicompost production. This approach aims to achieve self-sustaining livelihoods through holistic development. Over the past three years, 40,888 units have been successfully established, at a cost of Rs. 142 crore benefiting 40,888 farmers. During the year 2024-2025, 14,000 Integrated Farming System units will be established at an outlay of Rs. 42 crore. 
  • In Tamil Nadu, paddy, millets, pulses, oil seed crops, cotton and horticultural crops are being cultivated in an extent of about 60.62 lakh acres in rainfed areas. Majority of these lands which are cultivated by small and marginal farmers are deficient in nutrients and are characterised by poor water holding capacity due to which the ground water table has come down, affecting the productivity. Assistance for ploughing and seeds will be provided to cover an area of three lakh acres with an allocation of Rs. 36 crore for the benefit of rainfed farmers during 2024-2025.
  • There is a noted shortfall in the consumption of fruits and vegetables among consumers. To encourage the cultivation of nutritious fruit crops in home gardens, kits comprising saplings of banana, papaya, moringa, curryleaf will be distributed. This initiative aims to provide access to pesticide-free, non-toxic fruits and vegetables. An allocation of Rs. 4 crore has been designated for this scheme.
  • "Honey Bees play a crucial role not only in the collection of sweet honey but also in facilitating pollination among flowers." Recognizing the significance of beekeeping for public health, a 'Honey Production Hub' will be established in Kanyakumari district with a budget of Rs. 3.60 crore. This Hub will have a honey testing lab, a processing laboratory for honey and its byproducts besides having a provision for giving training to beekeepers. 
  • Climate change is likely to present significant challenges to biodiversity, crop yields, and food security in the coming two decades. In anticipation, the dissemination of appropriate technologies is crucial to mitigate the effects of climate change and safeguard against losses in crop production. To achieve this, special climatesmart villages will be developed, demonstrating climate change mitigatiion technologies to farmers and stakeholders, besides spreading awareness. A budget allocation of Rs. 1.48 crore will be made for this initiative. 
  • In agriculture, ensuring sustainable productivity necessitates the continuous monitoring of soil fertility and standard productivity levels. In Tamil Nadu, enhancing and augmenting the functional capacity of soil as a critical living system depends on soil organic carbon and beneficial microbial consortia, which are essential for maintaining soil health. To enhance soil health and productivity, research on soil microbiome engineering will be undertaken to develop and evaluate microbial consortia for the decomposition of organic matter, including crop residues, to increase soil carbon and convert unavailable nutrients into available forms. An allocation of Rs. 1.39 crore will be made for this. 
  • To facilitate the easy access of quality agricultural produce and value-added products, to urban consumers, 100 Uzhavar Angadis will be established along the lines of Uzhavar Sandhais at an outlay of Rs. 5 crore from the State fund. Agricultural produce, adhering to specified quality norms, will be directly procured from farmers graded, packed, branded and sold through Uzhavar Angadis. 
Chief Minister's Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme (CM MK MKS) will be implemented from the year 2024-2025 for which Rs. 206 crore will be allocated.

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