Odisha Labha Yojana 2024 - 100% State Funded MSP Scheme for Tribals

Odisha Labha Yojana 2024 has been approved by state cabinet led by CM Naveen Patnaik. The full form of Labha Scheme is Laghu Bana Jatya Drabya Kraya Scheme. It is a 100% state funded minimum support price (MSP) scheme for tribals. After its implementation, all the tribals of Odisha state will get MSP on their minor forest produce. 
Read this article till the end to know complete details of Labha scheme. 

About Odisha Labha Yojana 2024

In a significant move towards development and empowerment of approx. 1 crore tribals, Odisha govt. has approved the launch of the "LABHA Scheme". LABHA, an acronym for Laghu Bana Jatya Drabya Kraya, is a 100% state-funded MSP for minor forest produce (MFP). Let's check the salient features of Labha Yojana in Odisha.

CMO Odisha posted a tweet on X which said "ଜନଜାତିଙ୍କ ଉନ୍ନତି ପାଇଁ 'ଲାଭ - ଲଘୁ ବନଜାତ ଦ୍ରବ୍ୟ କ୍ରୟ’ ଯୋଜନା ଲାଗୁ କରିବାକୁ କ୍ଯାବିନେଟରେ ନିଷ୍ପତ୍ତି ହୋଇଛି। ଏହା ଅଧୀନରେ ଜନଜାତିମାନେ ସର୍ବନିମ୍ନ ସହାୟକ ମୂଲ୍ୟରେ ଲଘୁ ବନଜାତ ଦ୍ରବ୍ୟ ବିକ୍ରି କରିପାରିବେ। ଏହି ଟଙ୍କା ସିଧାସଳଖ ହିତାଧିକାରୀଙ୍କ ବ୍ଯାଙ୍କଖାତାକୁ ପଠାଯିବା ସହ ଟିଡିସିସିଓଏଲ ସହ ଅନୁବନ୍ଧିତ ଏସଏଚଜିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଏହାର ପରିଚାଳନା ଦାୟିତ୍ଵ ଦିଆଯିବ। ଏହା ଅଧୀନରେ ରାୟଗଡ଼ରେ ₹୨୫ କୋଟି ବ୍ୟୟରେ ତେନ୍ତୁଳି ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟାକରଣ ପ୍ଳାଣ୍ଟ ମଧ୍ୟ ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠା କରାଯିବ। ଲଘୁ ବନଜାତ ଦ୍ରବ୍ୟର ସୁବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥିତ ସଂଗ୍ରହ, ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟାକରଣ ଓ ବଜାର ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥାରେ ଏହା ସହାୟକ ହେବା ସହ ଜନଜାତିଙ୍କ ଜୀବିକା ଓ ଆର୍ଥିକ ଅଭିବୃଦ୍ଧିରେ ପ୍ରମୁଖ ଭୂମିକା ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବ।"

Salient Features of LABHA Scheme 2024

  • Determination of MSP: The state government will annually determine the Minimum Support Price for the minor forest produce.
  • Primary Collector Empowerment: Tribal primary collectors will sell minor forest produce at MSP through procurement centers managed by TDCCOL (Tribal Development Cooperative Corporation of Odisha Limited).
  • Integration with Mission Shakti: LABHA Yojana will collaborate with Mission Shakti’s Women Self-Help Groups (SHGs), benefiting the majority of tribal women who constitute 99% of primary collectors.
  • Digital Transactions: Amounts collected will be transferred through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to the beneficiary’s account, with SHGs or designated agencies receiving a 2% commission.
  • Procurement Automation System: Utilizing technology for transparency, this system will capture MFP collection details, ensuring fair benefits for tribal communities.
  • Value Addition and Processing: TDCCOL will conduct e-tendering for further sale, exploring value addition and processing units to maximize returns.
  • Tamarind Processing Plant: The state government plans to establish a 25-crore tamarind processing plant in Rayagada, utilizing MFP from LABHA Yojana for value addition.
  • Elimination of Distress Sales: LABHA Yojana aims to eradicate distress sales by empowering tribals and reducing dependency on middlemen.

Odisha Labha Yojna FAQ's

Q - What does the acronym LABHA stands for in the context of Odisha's new scheme?
Laghu Bana Jatya Drabya Kraya

Q - Under whose leadership, the State Cabinet approved Labha Yojana?
CM Naveen Patnaik

Q - What does MSP stand for in LABHA Scheme?
Minimum Support Price

Q - How many tribals would be benefited from Labha Yojana?
1 crore

Q - Which Crops would be covered under LABHA Yojana?
Minor Forest Produce

Q - Who will Fund Labha Yojana?
This Labha Scheme would receive its 100% funds from Odisha state government

Q - How Beneficiaries would receive Labha Amount?
Amount under Labha Yojana would be credited to beneficiary's account through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode. 

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