Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024 Online Registration Form at | Rs. 2 Lakh Self Employment Scheme Apply Online

बिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना Registration 2024 begins at Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana had been approved by state cabinet on 16 January 2024. In this scheme, the Bihar state government will provide financial grant to over 94 lakh families, who were assessed to be poor in the caste survey, for their self-employment. Apply online process for this Rs. 2 lakh self employment scheme will begin soon. Read this article till the end to know how to make Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojna registration, what is eligibility criteria and other aspects regarding the scheme.
This was among 18 proposals cleared at the cabinet meeting chaired by chief minister Nitish Kumar.

Latest Update: मुख्यमंत्री उद्यमी योजनान्तर्गत वित्तीय वर्ष 2022-23 एवं 2023-24 में प्रथम/द्वितीय किस्त प्राप्त लाभुकों को उपयोगिता प्रमाण-पत्र उद्यमी पोर्टल पर अपलोड करने हेतु अंतिम अवसर दिनांक-30.06.2024 तक निर्धारित किया गया है।

Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Registration 2024

All the prospective beneficiaries need to apply online for Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana with proof of family income. 
  • Read instructions and click at "पंजीकरण" tab to open Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024 online registration form.
  • Enter name, gender, mobile no, aadhar no, select caste, district and click "ओटीपी प्राप्त करें" button to complete Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana online application form filling process.
Selection of beneficiaries will be done through computerised randomisation process and on the basis of budgetary allocations. A state-level project monitoring and implementation committee, led by the executive head of the industries department, will be set up to execute the Bihar Laghu Udyami scheme. District magistrate (DM) will lead the district-level programme implementation panel.

Eligibility Criteria for Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojna

  • Applicant must be a permanent resident of Bihar state.
  • He / she must be unemployed.
  • Applicant must belong to the families, who were assessed to be poor in the Bihar caste survey.
  • Monthly income of these applicant's family must be less than Rs. 6,000 a month.

बिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना in Bihar Budget 2024-25

On 13th Feb 2024, Finance Minister presented Bihar Budget 2024-25. While presenting the budget, FM said "हाल में हुए जाति आधारित सर्वेक्षण में 94 लाख परिवार आर्थिक रूप से गरीब चिन्हित हुए हैं जिनके उत्थान के लिए परिवार के कम-से-कम एक सदस्य को बिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना के तहत स्वरोजगार हेतु अधिकतम 2 लाख रुपये अनुदान देने की योजना स्वीकृत हुई है। इस योजना का उद्देश्य राज्य में सूक्ष्म उद्योग स्थापित कर उन परिवारों की आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार लाना तथा बड़े पैमाने पर रोजगार सृजन करना है।"

FM also said "राज्य में गरीब परिवारों की आर्थिक दशा सुधारने एवं बेरोजगारी दर में कमी लाने के उद्देश्य से बिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना की स्वीकृति दी गयी है। इस योजना के तहत गरीब वर्ग के लोगों को 2.00 लाख रुपये बतौर अनुदान के रूप में दी जायेगी। इस योजना में चालू वित्तीय वर्ष में 250 करोड़ एवं आगामी वित्तीय वर्ष में 1000 करोड़ रुपये की स्वीकृति दी गयी है।"

About Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024

Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojna, as approved by cabinet, will continue for next 5 years. It aims to provide job opportunities to 94,33,312 of the total 2,76,28,995 families assessed to be the poor by the caste-based enumeration. Monthly income of these families are less than Rs. 6,000 a month.

Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojna Amount

At least one member of the poor families will be provided grant up to Rs. 2 lakh under Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana. This amount would be given in 3 instalments to set up and run small industrial or processing units. 

Number of Beneficiaries in Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana

A total of 94,33,312 families would be benefited from Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana which include:-
  • 10.86 lakh families from general categories, 
  • 24.78 lakh families from backward castes (BCs), 
  • 33.19 lakh families of extremely backward classes (EBCs), 
  • 23.49 lakh families of scheduled castes (SCs) and 
  • 2.01 lakh families of the scheduled tribes (STs)
Each beneficiary family shall get assistance from Bihar state industries department.

Overview of Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana

Name of SchemeBihar Laghu Udyami Yojana
in Hindiबिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना 
Type of SchemeSelf Employment Scheme
Assistance AmountRs. 2 Lakh
ObjectiveTo provide job opportunities to families assessed to be poor in caste survey
Number of Beneficiary Families94.33 lakh
Implementation YearsNext 5 years starting from the year 2024
Apply Online ProcessStarted
Portal for Registration

Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Login: 

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