Mukhyamantri Prani Palak Samman Nidhi Yojana Tripura 2024 - Rs. 6000 to Livestock Farmers

Tripura government has launched Mukhyamantri Prani Palak Samman Nidhi Yojana 2024 for livestock farmers. Under this scheme, the state govt. will provide Rs. 6000 to animal rearers which would boost rural economy and ensure self sufficiency in animal farming. Read this article till the end to know complete details about Mukhyamantri Pranipalak Samman Nidhi scheme started to encourage livestock based activities just like central govt's schemes for agriculture farmers.

About Mukhyamantri Prani Palak Samman Nidhi Yojana 2024

Animal Resources Development Department has started Mukhyamantri Prani Palak Samman Nidhi Yojana on 14 December 2023. The dept. will extend support of Rs. 6,000 to each of the animal farmers annually from the state plan, targeting to reduce the import of animal products. 

Who are Eligible for Mukhyamantri Pranipalak Samman Nidhi Scheme

All those who fulfills the below mentioned criteria would be eligible for assistance under Mukhyamantri Prani Palak Samman Nidhi scheme:- 
  • Individual must be a permanent resident of Tripura state.
  • He/She must be engaged in animal husbandry 
  • The annual income of the family of the individual (from all sources) must be less than Rs. 2 lakh per annum.
  • Individual must be in possession of at least one dairy cow, 10 goats, or an improved breed of pig.
While launching the scheme, CM said "We have earmarked Rs. 1.74 Cr for the current financial year, which will be distributed among 2900 hardcore livestock farmers by the last quarter of FY 2023-24". 

Benefits of CM Prani Palak Samman Nidhi Yojna

The demand of animal products like milk, meat, eggs, and fish, has been increasing day by day. Also there is scope for expanding entrepreneurship and business in animal husbandry sector. So, Tripura govt. has started Mukhyamantri Prani Palak Samman Nidhi Yojana to narrow down import dependency of animal products.

Apart from these, the government has other initiatives, including the Calf Growth Milk (CGM) Scheme, which provides subsidized feed for advanced breed calves, and the Compensation for Loss of Animal Resources and Birds scheme, which offers financial assistance of up to Rs 20,000 to each family in case of any unusual death.

About 5400 female and 600 male calves born through Artificial Intelligence with sexed semen will be covered under the CGM scheme by means of providing a balanced ration for 10 months at a 50 percent subsidy on the cost of 240 kilogram.

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