TN Marriage Assistance Schemes 2024 Status, Eligibility, Details

Tamil Nadu government has started the facility to track TN Marriage Assistance Schemes 2024 application status. The state govt. is implementing 5 Marriage Assistance Schemes to help the daughters of poor parents, orphan girls, widows who re-marry, widows daughter's marriage and inter-caste married couples. Read this article till the end to know how to check Tamilnadu marriage assistance scheme status, what is eligibility criteria and what are scheme's details.
You can checkout the features of each of TN marriage assistance scheme which are providing assistance to poor people in the Tamilnadu state.

What are 5 Marriage Assistance Schemes in Tamil Nadu

Here is the complete list of 5 marriage assistance schemes which are currently running in the Tamil Nadu state. 

Moovalur Ramamirthan Ammaiyar Nunaivu Higher Education Assurance Scheme

From the year 2022-23, Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Ninaivu Marriage Assistance Scheme has been revamped as Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Assurance Scheme. Under this scheme, all girls who studied in Govt Schools from 6th Std till 12th Std and enrolled in Colleges for higher education through regular course are eligible to get Rs. 1,000/- per month till they complete their graduation.

Dr. Dharmambal Ammaiyar Ninaivu Widow Remarriage Assistance Scheme

This scheme aims to encourage widow remarriage and to rehabillitate the widows. Under this scheme, all widows (except degree/diploma holders) who are going to remarry will get financial assistance of Rs. 25,000 (Rs. 15,000 through ECS and Rs. 10,000 as National Savings Certificate) along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin. There is no income ceiling and minimum educational qualification prescribed to avail benefit under this widow remarriage assistance scheme component 1. 

In case the widows who are being remarried are degree / diploma holders, such widows would be given Rs. 50,000, out of which, Rs. 30,000 is given through ECS and Rs. 20,000 is given as National Savings Certificate along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin. There is no income ceiling prescribed to avail benefit under this widow remarriage assistance scheme component 2.

In both components, common condition is that bride should have completed 20 years of age at the time of marriage and 40 years is upper age limit.

E.V.R. Maniammaiyar Ninaivu Marriage Assistance Scheme for Daughters of Poor Widows

This scheme aims to help the poor widows who have faced the financial hardship in conducting their daughters marriage by providing assistance for the marriage of their daughters. Under this scheme, financial assistance of Rs. 25,000 is given along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin are given to daughters of poor widows (except degree/diploma holders). To avail benefit under this scheme, the annual income of the family should not exceed Rs. 72,000. There is no minimum educational qualification prescribed to avail benefit under this marriage assistance scheme for daughters of poor widows component 1.

In case the daughters of poor widows are Graduate (degree/diploma holders), then a sum of Rs. 50,000/- along with 8gm Gold Coin would be given. To avail benefit under this scheme component 2, the annual income of the family should not exceed Rs. 72,000. 

In both components, general condition is that only one girl from a family is eligible and bride should have completed 18 years of age at the time of marriage.

Annai Therasa Ninaivu Marriage Assistance Scheme for Orphan Girls

This scheme aims to encourage marriage of orphan girls. Under this scheme, all orphan girls (except degree/diploma holders) who are going to remarry will get financial assistance of Rs. 25000 along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin. There is no income ceiling and minimum educational qualification prescribed to avail benefit under this orphan girl marriage assistance scheme component 1. 

In case the orphan girls who are being married are degree / diploma holders, such beneficiaries would be given Rs. 50,000 along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin. There is no income ceiling prescribed to avail benefit under this orphan girl marriage assistance scheme component 2.

In both components, general condition is that only one girl from a family is eligible and bride should have completed 18 years of age at the time of marriage.

Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Ninaivu Inter Caste Marriage Assistance Scheme

The bride should have studied 10th Std pass. Cash assistance of Rs. 25,000 is given under this scheme, out of which Rs. 15,000 is given through ECS and Rs. 10,000 in the form of National Saving Certificate along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin. The degree / diploma holders receive Rs. 50,000 out of which Rs. 30,000 is given through ECS and Rs. 20,000 as National Saving Certificate along with 8 gram 22 carat gold coin. There is no income ceiling and minimum educational qualification stipulated.

Types of Inter-caste Marriage

  • Category I : Either of the spouse of the Inter-caste married couples should be from Scheduled caste or Scheduled Tribe while the other spouse may be from any other Community.
  • Category II : Either of the spouse should be from forward or unreserved community and the other spouse from BC/MBC.

Check TN Marriage Assistance Schemes Status

To know the application status of social assistance schemes like Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Ninaivu Marrige assistance Scheme for Poor women, E.V.R.Maniammaiyar Ninaivu Poor Widow Daughter marriage assistance scheme, Annai Therasa Ninaivu Orphan Girl marriage assistance Scheme, Dr. Dharmambal Ammaiyar Ninaivu Widow remarriage assistance Scheme, Dr. Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar Ninaivu Intercaste marriage assistance Scheme, visit the official link -

The page to track TN Marriage Assistance Schemes status will appear as shown below:-
You can search TN marriage assistance scheme application status either by application ID or registration number.

Eligibility Criteria for Five TN Marriage Assistance Schemes


  • Education Qualification: The bride should have studied 10th Std pass, Bride should have studied up to V Std in case of Scheduled Tribe.
  • Cash Assistance: Rs. 25,000 paid through ECS along with 8gms Gold coin


  • Education Qualification: Degree holders from regular colleges, Distance education / Government recognized Open University are eligible, Diploma holders should have qualified from the Institution recognized by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Tamil Nadu.
  • Cash Assistance: Rs. 50,000 paid through ECS along with 8gm Gold Coin

Need for Tamilnadu Marriage Assistance Schemes

In most communities, it is a customary cultural requirement for a girl to wear "Thirumangalyam" made of gold during marriage and the parents celebrate the marriage function according to their customs and cultural backgrounds. However, parents from economically weaker sections are not able to cope with the burden of expenses towards the marriage of their daughters. 

In order to help such parents and to encourage them to educate their daughters till the right age, Marriage Assistance Schemes were introduced by the Government. For more details on TN Marriage Assistance Schemes, please visit the official link -

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