Bihar Caste Census Report 2024 PDF - Download & Check Your Name

Bihar Caste Census Report PDF 2024 has been released by the state govt. authorities. The list or Bihar Caste Census Population Report says that the population of the state is over 13 crore. Bihar Caste Census data reveals that around 27.1% of the population is from underprivileged classes, while 36% are from the very underprivileged classes (EBC). 

Read this article till the end to know link to download Bihar caste census report 2024 in PDF format. This PDF has simplified the process of checking out your community name as it appears in the Bihar Caste Census Population list including those from classes like OBC, EBC, SC, ST etc.

Caste Census Mention in Bihar Budget 2024-25

13 फ़रवरी 2024 को माननीय वित्त मंत्री ने Bihar Budget 2024-25 सदन में पेश किया। अपना बजट भाषण करते समय वित्त मंत्री ने कहा की "देश में पहली बार बिहार में जाति आधारित सर्वेक्षण का काम कराया गया। बिहार जाति आधारित गणना, 2022-23 के सर्वेक्षण से प्राप्त आँकड़ों के फलाफल के आधार पर बिहार आरक्षण अधिनियम, 18/2023 एवं 19/2023 के द्वारा राज्याधीन सेवाओं में नियुक्ति / शैक्षणिक संस्थानों में नामांकन हेतु आरक्षित कोटि के लिए 65% (यथा अनु०जाति 20%, अनु०जनजाति (02%, अ०पि०व० 25% तथा पि०व० 18%) आरक्षण का प्रावधान किया गया है जबकि आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर (सामान्य) वर्ग के लिए 10% आरक्षण पूर्ववत् लागू है। इस प्रकार इन सभी वर्गों के लिए आरक्षण की कुल सीमा को बढ़ाकर 75 प्रतिशत किया गया है। राज्य सरकार द्वारा बिहार राज्य की सभी सरकारी सेवाओं / संवर्गों के पदानुक्रम में दिव्यांगजन कर्मियों के लिए प्रोन्नति में 04 प्रतिशत क्षैतिज आरक्षण उपलब्ध कराये जाने का निर्णय लिया गया है।"

Bihar Caste Census Report 2024 PDF

Backward Classes3,54,63,93627.1286%
Extremely Backward Classes (EBC)4,70,80,51436.0148%
Scheduled Caste (SC)2,56,89,82019.6518%
Scheduled Tribes (ST)21,99,3611.6824%
Unreserved (Higher Castes)2,02,91,67915.5224%

As per the Bihar Caste Census Population Report, around 19.65% belong to SC category, 1.7% to ST category and 15.5% to higher castes. There were more than 130 million people living in the state overall. 
The study, also known as बिहार जाति आधारित गणना, revealed the Yadav community to be the biggest sub-group, making up 14.27% of all OBC categories.

Link to Download Full ReportBihar Caste Census Report 2024 PDF (Full)

Background of Bihar Caste Census Data

Bihar Caste Census Data 2024 creation process started earlier from 7 January 2023 and ends on 31 May 2023. The caste based survey of Bihar population was conducted in 2 phases which are as follows:-
  • 1st phase of बिहार जातिगत जनगणना ran from 7 Jan 2023 to 21 January 2023 in which number of all households in the state were counted and recorded. 
  • 2nd phase of Bihar Caste Census Data creation process was conducted from 1st April to 30 April, 2023. 
The data of the families like no. of family members, their castes, sub-castes, socio-economic conditions etc. was collected. The complete caste based census of Bihar population and creation of record process ended on 31 May 2023.

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